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Hey! Today I will release my UAV Tool my first one. I hope you guys like it and enjoy!
VAC Status: This hack is forever undetected untill new Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Patch will release. So no worries.
1. Start Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3: Multiplayer (iw5mp.exe)
2. Start the hack, join a match and click F2 to turn on the UAV. Have fun.
3. IMPORTANT: You need to press F2 to turn on Unlimited UAV every new match / round. Example if you're playing Search & Destroy you have to click F2 every new round.
Help the hack don't works!
Try to,
run the hack as adminstrator
turn off anti-virus (I don't think so)
Post a comment below if other problems.
.NET Framework 4.5 (Can be needed)
Windows 7 (Can be needed)
Jotti's Malware Scan - 0 / 19
VirusTotal Scan - 0 / 44
@Skinksteek - Creating and coding the hack
@Jorndel - For helping via skype and giving good tips